Oskar Sajewicz

  • Senior Mortgage Administrator

Oskar's journey into the realm of finance and business began with a recognition of their pivotal role in shaping his career aspirations. Fueled by unwavering dedication, he embarked on a path of self-study, expanding his financial acumen and skill set.

With a keen eye on the property sales industry, Oskar harbors a profound ambition to carve his niche in this domain. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of administrative processes and financial intricacies, he is poised to navigate the complexities of successful sales transactions.

Oskar's journey has been enriched by the invaluable mentorship of Ali Khan, a relationship that predates his tenure with the company. Joining Homekey, Oskar finds immense satisfaction in collaborating with Ali, anticipating further refinement of his skills under the guidance of this seasoned expert. He holds Ali in high esteem and considers it a privilege to contribute to an organization that provides him with opportunities for growth in a field he is passionate about.

Other Member

Ali Khan, CeMap

Principal & Mortgage Manager

Anastasija Gore, CeMap

Mortgage Advisor

Giuseppe Di Leonardo, CeMAP

Mortgage Advisor

Sadia Ghazanfar, CeMap

HR & Accounts Manager

Mateusz Sowa

Mortgage Administrator & Manager

Kaylan Smith

Mortgage Administrator